The Jean Monnet Chair in European Civil Procedure at IE University is the first Chair entirely devoted to the study of the ELI-UNIDROIT Model Rules of European Civil Procedure.
One of the activities of the Chair is the IE European Civil Procedure Series, a series of roundtables where students, academics, practitioners, judges, policymakers, from Europe and beyond, can explore the Rules together with the leaders in the field.
We aim at having around one session every month. Around one hour long. Online for the time being. We’ll make sure that everyone can interact with the speakers.
In the seventh session, on 13 december 2021, we’ll welcome Professors Christoph A. Kern, Frédérique Ferrand, Vegas, Marco de Benito and Luis Gómez-Iglesias.
We hope you’ll find this initiative interesting, and we hope to see many of you in this and future sessions.
You can register to this session here.